Help out our 6th graders by purchasing gaming systems from TS. Only $25!

Support the 6th graders by buying ear buds from TS. They will be selling them on Friday or you can buy them in the office.

TS Family STEAM Night
When: November 29th from 6:00-8:00
Where: TS Gym
Why: Promote family learning activities through STEAM.
Who: Kansas Discovery Center and TS Teachers
Students can show up any time between 6:00-8:00. There are a total of 10 activities.

TS Family STEAM Night
When: November 29th from 6:00-8:00
Where: TS Gym
Why: Promote family learning activities through STEAM.
Who: Kansas Discovery Center and TS Teachers
Students can show up any time between 6:00-8:00. There are a total of 10 activities so students can try a few or them all depending on schedules.

Happy First Day of School! https://youtu.be/jzvUoGTlAEI

Welcome to our new app!