Career & Technical Education Pathways
Shawnee Heights Career Pathways
Students, have you given some thought to a career? Parents, we are quite sure you have given some serious thought to your student’s career choice. Looking for some direction? Look no further than Career Pathways at Shawnee Heights. We have done serious planning regarding YOUR future career. We offer sixteen different pathways in the areas below:
Our goal at Shawnee Heights is to prepare ALL students to be career and college-ready upon graduation. The goal of Career Pathways is to prepare students to be career-ready by completing a Pathway in high school and transitioning to post-secondary (2-year community college, technical school, 4-year college) to continue the study of their respective careers.
CTE courses help students try out different career fields while in high school to see if they might be interested in pursuing those fields after high school. Classes, which could be listed in more than one pathway, are leveled as Introductory, Technical or Application. In order to complete a pathway, a student must have at least 3 points in the pathway (with at least one course in Techincal and one course in Application) and take a third-party assessment.
Planning ahead of time enables students to take as many courses in the different pathways as possible. Keep track of which classes you take by checking them off on our Exploring Career Pathways worksheet.
Once you have earned at least 3 points in a pathway, contact your T-Bird time Advisor so they can get you in touch with Mr. Steele to investigate the possibility of taking a certification assessment.
It is never too late or too early to begin researching careers and planning a possible career path. Our goal for all Shawnee Heights students is to earn a post-secondary degree. With that in mind, we feel it is very important to start finding an interest in a career and start planning your career. We can help you with Career Pathways. If you are interested in Career Pathways or have questions about our Pathways, please contact Eric Steele, Assistant Principal.